The game is available for PC through the EPIC Games store. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a first-person shooter action video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games. You will need to go through several troubleshooting steps to address the Shift connection issues. It could be a problem with your own internet connection, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands server has outages or is under maintenance, outdated game version, just to name a few. Wonderlands is a funnier and more focused version of its predecessors.There are several reasons many players are experiencing issues with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands network error. It is a vibrant, slightly disjointed world ripe for exploration and trouble. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands offers some new aspects of the series, with more of the classic, almost unbeatable gunplay and wild combat encounters. Unlike the borderlands games, you will be able to create a fully customizable character, at first you can only choose one primary class but as you get stronger you can pick a secondary class to combine with your primary to make ridiculous combinations, fear not you can swamp it out later for another one if you want to experiment.

Meet other characters on your quest to bring down the Dragon Lord like the Fairy Punchfater and the lute-playing barbarian. Play along with your AI companions Frette the robot and captain valentine or invite other players in the game seamless drop in and out multiplayer.Fight wacky enemies like talking skeletons, land sharks, giant boss monsters, and other fantasy-inspired monstrosities.

Your quest is to end the reign of the evil tyrannical dragon lord but with Tiny Tina at the helm who knows what wacky adventures you might run into. Explore the mad, mad world of Tiny Tina’s Wonderland an action RPG with a Borderlands-inspired flavor to it made by the same developer’s Gearbox Software, it combines the wondrous world of magic with high-powered guns that can blast someone’s head clean off.